


Greivances Policy

Greivances Policy

Complaint Handling Policy

MHB Academy seeks to maintain and enhance our reputation of providing high-quality training required to be a Fitness Coach. We value complaints as they assist us in improving our customer service.

MHB Academy is committed to being responsive to the needs and concerns of our students and to resolving complaints as quickly as possible. This policy provides guidance to both our students and staff on how complaints are received and managed, ensuring consistency, fairness, and impartiality in handling complaints.


  • You are aware of our complaint lodging and handling processes.
  • Both you and our staff understand our complaints handling process.
  • Your complaint is investigated impartially with a balanced view of all information or evidence.
  • We take reasonable steps to actively protect your personal information.
  • Your complaint is considered on its merits, taking into account individual circumstances and needs.

Definition of a Complaint:

In this policy, a complaint means an expression of dissatisfaction by a student/teacher relating to training service provided by us.

How to Make a Complaint:

If you are dissatisfied with the coaching service provided, you should, in the first instance, consider speaking directly with the staff member/s you have been dealing with. If you are uncomfortable with this or consider the relevant staff member is unable to address your concerns, you can lodge a complaint with us through the following channels:

  • Send a text/WhatsApp message to [insert telephone number].
  • Email us at info@myhealthbuddy.co.
  • In person by speaking to any of our customer service staff.

Information Needed for Your Complaint:

  • Your name and contact details.
  • The name of the person you have been dealing with in the academy.
  • The nature of the complaint.
  • Details of any steps you have already taken to resolve the complaint.
  • Details of conversations you may have had with us that may be relevant to your complaint.
  • Copies of any documentation which supports your complaint.

Recording the Complaint:

When taking a complaint, we might record your name and contact details, as well as all details of your complaint, including the facts and the cause/s of your complaint, the outcome, and any actions taken following the investigation. Complaints will be monitored for trends by management for ongoing improvement.

Feedback to the Complainant:

We aim to resolve complaints at the first point of contact. However, if not possible, a formal complaints process will be followed. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three (3) business days and aim to resolve it within 10 business days. If unable to do so, we will inform you of the reason for the delay.

For further assistance, please contact [insert contact details].

Have questions?

Contact our support team for further assistance.